Namibia and back ...

Sandwich Terns including several colour ringed birds are starting to appear as they fly south. Stopping off to feed and roost on the Teifi, a particular favourite spot is the sand at the Webley saltmarsh. A mix of small gulls and terns, Sandwich and Common Terns , Black-headed and Mediterranean Gulls this week. Yellow KFS.was a bird photographed on the 25th by Hannah Cook. This adult Sandwich Tern was ringed as as a chick in 2017 on Lady's Island, Wexford , Eire and was last seen in Shearwater Bay, Namibia last October. (2021) The Tern's route almost certainly went around the coast. Sandwich Tern from Namibia to the Teifi At least 3 other colour ringed Sandwich Terns seen over the last few days are juveniles from Cemlyn, Anglesey. Colour ringed Mediterranean Gulls are now passing through, an adult ringed in Poland and a juvenile ringed in France/Belgium this morning. Other notable avian records include.. A Great Crested Grebe on 22nd July on the river from ...