Rosy Starling, Common Dolphins, a Moth and Bat event too

In preparing for recording Swallow roosts on the evening of the 2nd, an adult Rosy Starling dropped into the reeds at the back of Mallard Pond. All previous sightings of Rosy Starlings have been with the regular Eurasian Starlings present throughout the year at Gwbert. Mallard Pond - Teifi Marshes We put in a considerable effort in the reedbeds of the reserve in August, mainly our ringing projects, but we are now entering our peak for finding Spotted Crake. Waders on the reserve are increasing. Greenshank and a Green Sandpiper are regularly heard but a count of 5 Greenshank from Creek Hide by Tommy Evans was the highest recorded this month. Greenshank from Creek Hide - Tommy Evans See Teifi Ringing Group blog " Stormies, Terns and Totals " for more details of migration monitoring including some Sandwich Tern and Storm Petrel movements. About 150 Common Dolphins were between Cardigan Island and Mwnt on the 9th August. Thanks to Aaron Walters, Cardigan Bay Fish, for ...