Spring songsters arrive, large waders too

The 18th of April marked the mass arrival of birds. Grasshopper Warblers were heard and Sedge Warblers were once again singing from the reed beds on the Teifi Marshes. On the 26th the first Reed Warbler was heard. Odd records including a dark-bellied Brent Goose down at the Webley. The first Bar-tailed Godwits were seen on the 19th. A group of 11 was feeding on the seaward side of Patch on the 29th April On the 23rd April there were at least 61 Whimbrel on the Teifi (Siwan Thomas), and 50 to 70 until the 1st May At least 11 Sandwich Terns were also present around the estuary (Dyfed James) on the 23rd. We see far more Terns post breeding, when colour ring reading shows that the return passage is from far and wide. Sandwich Tern on a gloomy day - Dyfed James A group of 11 Whimbrel were photographed on the river though Cardigan town by Netpool on the 1st May. On the 27th a Jack Snipe was a late bird flushed fr...