Waders, Kingfishers and a White Wagtail

On the 5th May we still had 33 Whimbrel , and the first passage Sanderlings with Ringed Plovers and Dunlin. These Sanderlings wil be followed later in May with much larger numbers of Dunlin and Ringed Plovers - the Arctic breeding birds. A nice surprise from the river view point on the 18th was a fine breeding plumage male Tufted Duck - complete with tuft. Reed Warblers are returning to breed Reed Warbler - Tommy Evans Though the return of our Reed Warblers appears to be slow - hopefully more birds are still to arrive.... Breeding success on the Teifi Marshes already noticeable with initially two Mute Swan cygnets on Mallard pond, now down to one and juvenile Kingfishers at Kingfisher pond Kingfisher photos by Colin Dalton on the 31st May. While bird sightings have been quiet during May and the start of June, there has been plenty of other wildlife to see. A nice selection here from Karen Leah Grass Snake Four-spotted Chaser Speckled Yellow Moth Earlier this mo...