September starts with Brent Geese and an Osprey

On the evening of the 12th September it was a surprise to see 21 Light-bellied Brent Geese in the estuary at dusk. They were looking tired, resting, preening and bathing as if they had just arrived. Their journey had started in Greenland or Arctic Canada. Although they are seen on a fairly regular basis this was potentially a record count. The next morning, Tommy Evans counted 35. Since then, a flock of 10 has been seen most days , feeding on the end of Pen yr Ergyd. Looking back at Teifi Wetland Bird Survey counts for the BTO, this is the highest count for September WeBS since 7 in 2014 Light-bellied Brent Goose - Diane Williams The usual September passage of waders is underway with an increase in Ringed Plover and Dunlin. The less common species over the last week included 2 Curlew Sandpipers on the 12th, 2 Knot on the 17th, just 1 Sanderling and 2 Turnstone. The first Wigeon are back with 21 recorded on the 17th. Knot - Tommy Evans The reshaping and flattening of th...