Spring migration and floods

On the 25th March , the first Swallows and House Martins , joined the feeding Sand Martins over the Teifi Marshes. Increasing numbers of Sand Martins have been seen over the reserve since then with at least 100 on the 8th April. Sand Martins - Diane Williams The pond at Mallard hide is usually the focus for feeding hirundines over the Teifi Marshes. The Mute Swans are again nesting there and also behind the car park pond. The first tiny Moorhen chicks were seen there on Mallard pond on the 9th April. Gulls were on the move at the end of March and on the 26th some less common species were seen in the Teifi Estuary. A 1st winter Bonaparte’s Gull was near The Webley Hotel.. The adult Iceland Gull, a 2nd calendar year Caspian Gull, 2 Yellow-legged Gull and 40 Med Gulls. The Snow Bunting that flew towards Poppit Sands, was a very good record of this surprisingly rare species around the estuary and headlands. Records from Marc Hughes and Arfon Wil...