Marsh Harrier to Goldeneye and Firecrests

A Marsh Harrier with a colour ring,VBA, was seen regularly over the Teifi Marshes from the beginning of November for about a week Marsh Harrier - Tommy Evans Here are the details of Marsh Harrier VBA sent from the ringer to Diane and Tommy "Ringed as a nestling on the 11 June 2024. One of a brood of 3 at Frodsham Cheshire. From this colour ringing project at Frodsham there have also been sightings of colour ringed Marsh Harriers in Cheshire, Lancashire, Humber, Greater Manchester, Somerset and Scotland" On the 3rd, one of the two Great Crested Grebe was still on river, and two Goldeneye on Mallard pond on the 4th - an unusual piece of water for them to choose.. Goldeneye - Jen Evans Up to 4 Goldeneye on the 3rd December including a drake usually on the river- their favoured haunt and feeding location. A count of 4 being exceptional in recent years... Goldeneye - Diane Williams A male Shoveler on kingfisher lagoon and the Marsh Harrier over reed beds on the 5th Nove...