Into early July....

At the Webley on the 26th June, 2 adult Sandwich Terns were likely the first failed breeders on their way south. 

Sandwich Tern with Black-headed Gulls

Three Mediterranean Gulls with them and c150 Black-headed Gulls including 3 juveniles.  

High tide roost at Webley salt marsh

400 Manx Shearwaters passing close in 20 minutes on the 25th and 8 Chough were seen to fly across to their Cemaes Head roost.

Passing seabirds can be viewed from the Gwbert 
viewpoint car park

Manx Shearwaters like most passing seabirds round Cardigan Island and often sweep well into the bay before heading back west out past Cemaes Head. 

In the late evenings of the  27th and 28th nice to see 6/8 Swifts feeding over the marshes. It was surprising to see around 500 Starlings go to roost in the reeds...

A Common Tern at the Webley roost on the 28th and 29th.

Common Tern

Early July over the last few years has produced the following, in 2020 up to 70 Mediterranean Gulls at the Webley, waders start returning, Green Sandpipers and in 2019 28 Black-tailed Godwits on the reserve

As we returned from the sea last night...a bird's eye view as they fly down the estuary to roost on Cardigan Island or on the sea. Poppit on the left, Patch on the right...

(Rich D and Wendy J)