Waxwings to WeBS...

The Waxwings are continuing to delight visitors to the Teifi Marshes. First seen on the 8th Jan, 3 until the 12th when a 4th appeared.  A 5th was seen on the 13th. Still 4 present today, the 16th.

Waxwing - Tommy Evans

From daily observations it has been noted that Egrets fly down the Teifi  from up the gorge early morning, presumably roosting in the woods somewhere not to far away, maybe the heronry ??

The 2 Cattle Egrets  are now much more mobile now the floods have receded. Often still in fields near Parc Teifi Ind. Estate, may sometimes fly further down river.

Cattle Egrets from Curlew hide on the 14th - Jen Evans

Sunday was the monthly Wetland Bird Survey for the BTO. This month the data is also being fed into the  International Waterbird Census. Fog in the Teifi Valley slowly cleared for a good count.

Mallard pond

A Black-tailed Godwit was roosting with 13 Curlew on the island in Mallard pond. Snipe were feeding around the edge. The Godwit has been seen regularly all winter, sometimes close from Curlew hide particularly if the ponds are frozen. Still just one Goldeneye. 

Black-tailed Godwit - Tommy Evans

Down at the estuary Wigeon and Canada Geese were on the flooded saltmarsh at the Webley and a Red-breasted Merganser was just offshore.

High tide at The Webley

A Light-bellied Brent Goose with the large gulls under the gun battery at St Dogmaels was the highlight of the count. The wintering Common Sandpiper was feeding in its usual area on the river through town, seen from Quay Street carpark.

30 years ago...

It's fascinating to look back at archived Dyfed Wildlife Trust bulletins to read articles about the history of the reserve and visitor centre

It was a very wet autumn and winter in 1993 causing problems with the building of the Welsh Wildlife Centre which opened 30 years ago this March.

From the spring1994 bulletin

Brown Hairstreak egg counts on the reserve are going well, some figures from Paul Taylor soon.

Brown Hairstreak egg - Paul Taylor 

(Wendy J and Rich D)